Fun Fundamentals

Serve up some fun at Volleyball Camp with EA Head Coach Rachel Scott!


Join us for a week of volleyball fun and skill development! Directed by EA Head Volleyball Coach Rachel Scott, Volleyball Camp will focus on building skills in serving, passing, setting, hitting, and gameplay.

Junior Volleyball Camp is open to rising 2nd through 5th grade girls, and Senior Volleyball Camp is open to rising 6th through 8th grade girls. No prior volleyball experience is required! Whether you’re new to the game or you’re an experienced athlete looking to refine your skills, this camp is for you.

Questions? Feel free to email the Excel Team at or Coach Rachel Scott at

Why choose this camp?
  • Directed by Coach Rachel Scott
  • Every coach is screened through the same rigorous background checks that EA uses for the school’s faculty & staff
  • Camp hosted on EA’s pristine athletic fields
  • Athletic trainer present during all camp hours
  • Optional swimming every day