Fun Fundamentals

 Join Coach Andy Fraggos for a fun and instructional week of soccer at The Episcopal Academy.


Join us at Girls’ Soccer Camp, where we will focus on building skills in four key area of development: technical (passing, receiving, dribbling, striking and finishing), tactical (dynamics of play, attacking, defending, ball movement and possession), competition (speed & direction, build-ups, team shape and defending), and position-specific (making runs, creating space, connecting with passes and shutting down an opponent).

Questions? Feel free to email the Excel Team at or Coach Andy Fraggos at

Why choose this camp?
  • Directed by Coach Andy Fraggos
  • Every coach is screened through the same rigorous background checks that EA uses for the school’s faculty & staff
  • Camp hosted on EA’s pristine athletic fields
  • Athletic trainer present during all camp hours
  • Optional swimming every day